Ann Williamson, PT, DPT, MHI

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Joined Chatham: 2006
Neurologic Physical Therapy; Healthcare Informatics; Best Practice in Teaching and Learning
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts along with efforts within LGBQIA+ communities through her work with Metro Community Health Center and TransPride Pittsburgh.
Dr. Williamson received both her Master and transitional Doctorate from Chatham University (2003, 2004). Her clinical experience includes acute care, acute & sub-acute rehabilitation, general outpatient, & home care settings, across a variety of patient populations. She also has experience working within a transitional day program for patients/clients with neurologic conditions. Dr Williamson joined the faculty as an adjunct instructor in 2006, and subsequently became part of the core faculty in 2010. She obtained Specialty Certification in Neurologic Physical Therapy in 2009 and continues to teach neurologic content areas in the didactic setting. She has served as the Director of Clinical Education since 2014, overseeing 36 weeks of the DPT curriculum. Dr Williamson recently earned a Master in Healthcare Informatics. She has a passion for data and information management as it relates to clinical and administrative systems, and supports clinical education data management across the School of Heath Sciences.
- Chatham University, Master of Healthcare Informatics, 2023
- Chatham University, Doctor of Physical Therapy 2004
- Chatham University, Master of Physical Therapy 2003
- Chatham University, BS Behavioral Neuroscience 1999
- American Physical Therapy Association, Section on Education
- American Physical Therapy Association; Section on Neurology
- Williamson A. The Long-Term Impact of COVID19 on Health Science Education. Exxat Insights Report, May 2023
- Bednarek M, Williamson A, Downey P. High-Fidelity Simulation in an Entry-Level Physical Therapy Program: A Format for Debriefing. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal July 2019
- Schreiber JS, Perry SB, Downey P, Williamson A. Knowledge Translation Outcomes Following Innovative Continuing Education. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Dec 2015
- Bednarek M, Downey P, Williamson A, Ennulat C. The use of human simulation to teach acute care skills in a cardiopulmonary course: a case report. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Fall 2014
- Schreiber JS, Perry SB, Downey P, Williamson A. Implementation of an Innovative Continuing Education Program Focused on Translation of Knowledge into Clinical Practice: A Case Report. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Fall 2013
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Credentialed Clinical Instructor for CCIP Level II
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Credentialed Clinical Instructor for CCIP Level I
- Board Certified Neurologic Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
- Clinical-Educator Award (2009)
- Criss M, Jameson S, Williamson A, Strong G. APTA Pennsylvania ADAPT Scholarship, 2022
- Schreiber, Perry, Downey, Williamson. Chatham University Research and Sabbatical Committee, Knowledge Translation for Physical Therapists; Fall 2011
- Sabbatical Committee, Knowledge Translation for Physical Therapists; Fall 2011
- Williamson A., Fitzgerald L., Malacarne M., Jackson-Coty J., Rothman J., van Duijn J. “Clinical Internship Evaluation Tool (CIET): Tool Overview and Adoption Considerations for DPT Student Performance Assessment within Exxat Prism” (Webinar) April 14th, 2023
- Williamson A., Shearman E., Unger R. “Occupational and Physical Therapy Education, and Clinical Practice for the LGBTQ+ Community” Pittsburgh Trans Pride Health and Wellness Conference (Pittsburgh) October 2021
- Williamson A. “The impact of curricular changes to clinical experience and didactic sequencing on a clinical education program for Doctor of Physical Therapy Students” APTA Education Leadership Conference October 2017
- Trojanowski T., Williamson A. “Use of an Online Asynchronous Web-Based Platform Discussion Board for Individuals Sitting for the Neurologic Clinical Specialist Examination” APTA Combined Sections Meeting February 2017
- Williamson A., Jimenez J. M., Jimenez J. C. “Opportunities and Challenges in Clinical Education across Neurologic Practice Settings”. Combined Sections Meeting (Indianapolis) February 2015.
- Zipp G. and Williamson A. et al. "Practice Based Evidence: What is it and what role does it play in Neurologic Physical Therapy?". Combined Sections Meeting (New Orleans) February 2011
- Zipp G. and Williamson A. et al. “Exploring Lifelong Learning in a Doctoring Profession”. Combined Sections Meeting (San Diego) February 2010